Let us take control of
your finances
in Hungary


Könyvelőirodánk szakterületei

We will take control of your company’s accounting while complying with Hungarian law and regulations, so you can focus on growing your business!
As well as completing core accounting tasks, we will prepare regular financial reports and keep track of your tax and reporting obligations.


We will take control of your company’s accounting while complying with Hungarian law and regulations, so you can focus on growing your business! As well as completing core accounting tasks, we will prepare regular financial reports and keep track of your tax and reporting obligations.

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We’ll make sure that your Hungarian staff’s payroll and all related tasks and paperwork are handled accurately and on time – all you need to do is pay salaries and contributions. We’ll also complete your and your colleagues’ income tax returns in Hungary on demand.


We’ll make sure that your Hungarian staff’s payroll and all related tasks and paperwork are handled accurately and on time – all you need to do is pay salaries and contributions. We’ll also complete your and your colleagues’ income tax returns in Hungary on demand.

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As an expat business owner and manager you can easily get lost in the maze of tax rules of another country. We believe it’s important for you to feel safe in the Hungarian tax environment while optimising your tax affairs. 

Tax and Management Consulting

As an expat business owner and manager you can easily get lost in the maze of tax rules of another country. We believe it’s important for you to feel safe in the Hungarian tax environment while optimising your tax affairs. 

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Are you looking to set up a business in Hungary? Do you know what type of business entity is the best for your business goals? Start the process by getting in touch with us, and we will help you make the first steps!

Setting up a business in Hungary

Are you looking to set up a business in Hungary? Do you know what type of business entity is the best for your business goals? Start the process by getting in touch with us, and we will help you make the first steps!

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Ismerje meg könyvelőirodánkat

Find out more about our office

How to set up a business in Hungary as a foreigner? Can you, as a foreign national, be managing director of a Hungarian business and what are the requirements? Do you know if you’re entitled to a pension for your employment in Hungary as a foreign national and, if yes, how much? Is a non-citizen managing director required to have a tax ID number in Hungary? These are just some of the many questions a start-up or operating business will face in a foreign country or in a different economic and tax environment.

Take firm control of your business, while we take firm control of your accounting, tax affairs and finances.

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Why to choose us?

Where to find our offices?

  • Szommer Accountancy Győr Address: INFOOD Business Center, 9021 Győr,
    Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 27.
  • Szommer Accountancy Nagykanizsa Address: 8800 Nagykanizsa, Damjanich utca 3/a.
  • Szommer Accountancy Budapest Address: 1138 Budapest Madarász Viktor 47-49.

Do you have any questions? We are here to help you!

We make suggestions which are favourable to you and your business. We provide support in legal, tax - related and business planning matters as well so that you can make the best decisions for your business.

Hírek, aktualitások

Certificate for companies with the steadiest financial standing

Certificate for companies with the steadiest financial standing

Dun & Bradstreet, the international provider of business information and company ratings classifies the financial stability and business reliability of all enterprises based on a proven system, th ...

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Szommer Könyvelőiroda Ltd.  has received Bisnode’s AAA (triple A) certificate

Szommer Könyvelőiroda Ltd.  has received Bisnode’s AAA (triple A) certificate

Certificate for companies with the steadiest financial standing Dun & Bradstreet, the international provider of business information and company ratings classifies the financial stability and busi ...

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New epidemiological measures

New epidemiological measures

11. 2020. The National Assembly authorized the Government (by Act CIX of 2020) to lay down specific provisions due to the emergency situation starting from 11. 11. 2020. No interim... ...

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