
We will take control of your accounting information

Each country has its own financial and taxation system, which can impose serious challenges to any expat business manager. Having a trusted accountant is not only important to keep you up to speed with the latest legal requirements and changes but it also helps you save valuable time by offloading your administrative tasks, while you focus on growing your business and boosting your income.


Szommer Accountancy keeps your accounting records in order, delivers all your data recording duties, creates reports, keeps track of and up to date on your tax-payment obligations, completes your annual reports and helps you optimise your taxes.

How we can help you?


With many years of constantly growing industry expertise


With precise work making sure we meet all your deadlines


With frequent contact with you - we are always there for you if you have any questions, requests - in person, by phone, on email, on Skype or other devices. With advice, as needed

Please contact us if you would like to know more about our accounting services!

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